Professional Commercial Cleaning
Professional commercial cleaning services for small and large offices, manufacturing, healthcare, childcare, schools, banks, government contractors and multi-tenant common area spaces. Inquire today for a free cleaning assessment, which NOW includes the the use of EnSURE Touch Technology to rapidly swab, test and analyze your work environment..

Virus Protection Program
PURE TAB Virus DisInfection
- Application of EPA registered PURE TAB disinfectant is applied utilizing electrostatic spraying mechanisms with various saturation capabilities.
- Kills bacteria such as Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Viruses including influenza and the coronavirus, as well as TB and fungal infection……among many others.
- 360° coverage on all surfaces including curved and hard to reach surface areas.
- Neutral PH- not caustic or corrosive to surfaces.
- OSHA and NIOSH third party tested.
BIOPROTECT 90 Day Protection
In conjunction with Pure Tab Disinfection a second application of BIOPROTECT creates a barrier of protection against bacteria and germs on all surfaces for up to 90 days.

Tile and Carpet Floor Care
Carpet Care: bonnet, extract and shampoo services
Hard Floor Care: strip and wax, re-coat, seal and buffing services, as well as machine scrub for ceramic and cement floor services.

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